Monday, October 20, 2008

Meet Biscuit

Well - this is our newest family member. He is so mellow and has found his brothers to be loving. Marble isn't impressed. Our cat has growled and hissed - but might find a new companion to play with as well.

today, we add a family member

For the longest time - 18+ years, my husband and I have said no to a family dog. As I look outside my window, I know we are in for a new adventure that begins TODAY. This very rainy afternoon, we will add a corgidore to our home. He is a 4 year old boy named Biscuit that currently resides in the local animal shelter. He is the color of the perfect biscuit - and today, with a little touch of "apple butter" (mud) on his paws and belly. In just 10 minutes, my husband and youngest son head to the shelter to pick up the newest addition to our family.

Quick, I must run to the store and get the dog shampoo - as I have now read online, you cannot use the same body wash my teenage boys's not good for dogs. I ask myself, why then is it good for my boys? It must be the nice scent that wafts through our halls in the morning.